Thursday, July 4, 2013

Grogon Medusa has New Hair - Tillandsia caput-medusae

Once Upon a Very Long Time Ago - The Gorgon Medusa was a monstrous, yet mortal creature that had the power to turn anyone who looked at her into stone.
Medusa and two sisters of hers, Stheno and Evryale, were Gorgons, with frightful eyes, brass hands and living snakes on their head instead of hair. Medusa was the only Gorgon who was mortal, however she was more powerful than her sisters.

caput-medusae in bloom

A very popular Tillandsia is the caput-medusae. Its leaves curl in all directions and look like snakes swirling about in the air. It is an unusual and very unique. Given good light and water it will bloom and the leaves get a reddest blush when blooming. After the bloom comes its pups! And then there were two!
Of couse, after reading about the Gorgon Medusae, the ideas for clay containers just started crowding my brain! And here is the final results. You can find them onCreation-in-Clay.

Gorgon Medusa with caput-medusae

Just for Fun - shown in negative   

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