Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Special Post to My Family and Yours

The fourth is about over. I am hearing the fireworks going off all over the city. It was a beautiful day, with sunny skies and temperatures in the 80's.

Then, the clouds rolled in and then rain came and stopped. Only to have large hail rain down for over 20 minutes. I could see it bouncing off of my car and hear it hitting the roof sounding like it was going to come right through the roof. My dogs were scared barking and pacing the room.

It stopped just as suddenly as it started. I went out and looked at my car. Should not have done that.  Yes, it is pretty bad, and the depression set in.

After crying in my soup (old expression) I thought about how it is just a car. It is not up side down or in a tree. My home is still whole with a roof.

My Grandson, Lt. Tyler Oliphant and many others are off risking their lives in a Afghanistan  Tyler got married one year ago. His wife is also serving and is in the Army stationed at Fort Campbell. As a married couple, they have had about a month living together. Oh, It is also his birthday.

And, I was crying over a few dents in a car!!!!

Happy Birthday Tyler. Happy Anniversary Tyler and Cathy. And Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary to all the many that are in far away lands and not celebrating with family.

And a very Happy Fourth of July to all. May we all remember to celebrate our independence each and every day.

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