Tuesday, October 15, 2013

If You Work Hard at it You Can Kill Air Plants. But Why?

  Tillandsia Air Plants are the most forgiving and the easiest to care for of all living plants. Yet, I have had several people tell me they killed theirs!

  Well yes....if you work hard at it you can kill air plants. But why?

  Maybe it is not your fault. Looking at different online stores that sell Tillandsia Air Plants, the care instructions can be very misleading.

  • They require weekly misting. WRONG!
  • These plants like to be misted a couple of times a week and need full sun! WRONG AGAIN
  • Mist daily and keep at least four feet from window. BETTER BUT STILL NOT CORRECT
  • Air Plants don't require soil to grow, only moderate light and a good soak every week. GOOD, INCOMPLETE CARE INSTRUCTIONS
  • To grow Tillandsia, locate in a well ventilated place where there is full light and protection from hot sun. From mid spring through fall, mist daily and once a month, mist with 1/4 strength water soluble fertilizer. If grown outdoors, keep dry during winter. OK- WHAT IS EASY CARE IF YOU HAVE TO MIST EVERYDAY? DO YOU NOT MIST IN THE WINTER? THEY ARE LIVING PLANTS! I BET THIS IS HOW PEOPLE KILL THIER AIR PLANTS. OH YES, IF IT GETS BELOW FREEZING IN YOUR AREA DON'T LEAVE THEM OUTSIDE. THEY ARE NOT WINTER HARDY. IF YOU ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO LIVE IN A WARM CLIMATE HOW DO YOU KEEP OUTDOOR PLANTS DRY? DOESN'T IT RAIN?
  • Air Plants, also known as Tillandsia, don't require soil to grow, only moderate light and a good soak every week. MUCH BETTER, BUT INCOMPLETE

               Indoors, your Air Plants will stay healthy with a watering once or twice a week. When humidity is low, water at least twice a week.
               Best watering method: Soak plant in a bowl of water. Drain by lightly  shaking to get standing water out of the center of plant. Lay on its side for up to four hours until it feels dry to your touch. It is then safe to put back in the container where it normally stays.

  This and even more extensive care instructions are sent with each plant ordered from me. I want your plants to not only live but grow!

  The incorrect care instructions were taken from sites that air plants are just one item in a long list of unrelated items. Either from ignorance or giving false instructions that might make you buy, these companies tell you wrong. One company sold water pumps, outdoor gardening tools, seeds, air plants, etc.

   I could go on and on, but to keep this post from getting to long, I will stop here. If you have any questions either add a comment or email me at barb1839@ymail.com

  Next post will be on the goods and bads of misting.

Have a Happy Day!

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